Lee Vidor Signature


What Is Art?

Original Source Of The Shakespeare-X Message.


Answering The Hardest Question In The World.

Everything is art.

And has consciously been since 1917 at least.


The real question is: What is good art?

The first requirement I have of good art is that when I look at it I think, ‘I can’t do that.’ I feel wonder.

If I am only thinking, I can’t be bothered doing that. Or I haven’t done that because I have better things to do than that, it’s not a good sign that I am looking at magic.


If I am not looking at aesthetic/ artistic skill, then I must be looking at incredible vision to make up for the lack of artistic skill. But one of these two must be there and awe me. Skill or vision.

Because if there’s no magic, then why bother with art at all?

What is the difference between art and entertainment?

This is becoming an increasingly significant question as postmodern art cuddles up to show business.

So here's a quick list of the differences to help you recognize them:


Art makes us human.

Art explains the world.

Art moves us.

Art changes our perspectives and therefore us.

Art brings magic into our lives.


Good art does all of them simultaneously.


Entertainment is fine. It amuses us for a moment before we forget it completely.

But it’s not art.

It can change nothing in our lives.


Entertainers make entertainment because they have no vision to offer us.

Artists make art because they have vision.

That is the difference.

So there.

Lee Vidor Signature


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